Online proctored testing is now available for all PTCB exams. Learn more.

Pharmacy Technician Toolkit

Did earning one of PTCB’s credentials make an impact on your career? Share your accomplishments on your Tech Trek to inspire others and spread the word!

Share on Social Media

The following messages can be posted across social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more. You can copy and paste these directly into your social media platform, or use them as inspiration for your own posts. Make sure to use #PTCBTechTrek and follow PTCB!

LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram:

  • I’m excited to move ahead on my #PTCBTechTrek by earning the [CREDENTIAL]. Interested in getting started or continuing on your path? Learn more at #PTCBTechTrek
  • I took the next step on my #PTCBTechTrek by earning my [CREDENTIAL]—and I’m one move closer to achieving the Advanced Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT-Adv) credential. You could be too. Learn more at #PTCBTechTrek


  • I’m excited to move ahead on my #PTCBTechTrek by earning [CREDENTIAL]. Learn more and get started on your journey. #PTCBTechTrek
  • With my [CREDENTIAL], I’m one move closer to achieving the @PTCB CPhT-Adv credential—and you could be too. Learn more at #PTCBTechTrek

Email Your Employer

Sample Subject Line: Pursuing PTCB Credentials

I’m excited about a potential new opportunity to grow my career and wanted to ask for your support. I’m interested in pursuing the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board’s [CREDENTIAL], which will allow me to demonstrate my advanced knowledge and commitment to pharmacy safety and help me to move toward becoming a PTCB Advanced Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT-Adv). 

I’ve done some research and the [CREDENTIAL] fee is [FEE]. In addition, the required education/training program costs [FEE]. This brings the total investment to [FEE]

I am committed to furthering my career as a technician and know that earning this credential will help me positively contribute even more to our patients’ experiences, our team’s efficiency and our pharmacy’s overall success. Would you be willing to cover or contribute to these costs? 

Thanks for your consideration,


For more information:


Post your own pictures or add graphics to the above social posts to help your message stand out.

Download Rectangle Banner Graphic

(Image specifications: 1200 x 600 pixels JPEG)

Download Rectangle Banner Graphic

(Image specifications: 1200 x 600 pixels JPEG)


Download Square Social Media Graphic

(Image specifications: 1080 x 1080 pixels JPEG)