As a single mom with four small children, I needed to find a career to support my little family that had the potential for personal growth and the opportunity to continue my education. It was challenging and there was never a dull moment with three rambunctious boys, even with all the help from their sister.
I have always enjoyed working in healthcare and chose to pursue hospital pharmacy positions. My passion for healthcare drove me to further my education even when it seemed like an overwhelming goal while providing for my kids. I had to use creative coping skills to get through it all. I typically did my homework alongside them while they did theirs. Studying for exams was the same. During those times, I would try to plan something fun, like a movie night, time at the swimming pool, or a special dinner afterward to help them see it's not all work and no fun.
My original PTCB certification and later the advanced certifications helped me escape the mundane workforce and excel in a specialty that has led to a very rewarding career in oncology. With these certifications, instead of continuing to need multiple jobs just to survive, I was able to provide a better life for my children while working one job.
My children had the opportunity to watch my professional growth over the years as they were growing up. Now that they are grown and starting families of their own, they are very independent, hardworking adults. They have learned to believe in themselves and have mentioned that they appreciated my example of perseverance. As the saying goes, “Nothing worth having comes easy." For me and my family, it was totally worth it! Now, I hope to set a good example and encourage others on my team to do well in their positions.
Acquiring my CSPT and CPhT-Adv credentials has allowed me to show my dedication to the quality of my work. The extensive knowledge of specific topics is invaluable and the exams were a true test of my comprehension. My new credentials are a badge of honor and a reminder for me to be a mentor to those following in my footsteps.
I work in oncology and believe it is important for me always to continue my education and stay abreast of the latest regulations for optimal safety at our cancer clinics. I was excited to acquire new credentials, specifically the CSPT credential and the Hazardous Drug Management certificate. I struggle with comprehension so I had days that made me wonder if I had chosen an unattainable goal. It seemed very daunting at first, but when taken one step at a time, it is very achievable and the process becomes more familiar as you go. I hope my example might inspire others on my team to recognize their potential and encourage them to work towards their own personal growth.