PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program Terms and Conditions

  1. Purpose of Agreement. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) recognizes the completion of certain education/training programs as fulfilling the eligibility requirements for applicants to PTCB Programs. Recognition is based on the content of the education/training program as determined by standards established by PTCB and is granted at the sole discretion of PTCB. PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Programs shall receive certain benefits from PTCB, including information concerning the performance of their students on PTCB Exams,* subject to other terms and requirements. These Terms and Conditions define the relationship between PTCB and the recognized education/training program.

  2. PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program Responsibilities. As a condition of PTCB recognition, and in order to receive benefits, the PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program agrees to: (a) comply with all applicable PTCB policies and requirements; (b) complete and submit to PTCB an annual† recognition attestation; (c) inform PTCB of any personnel or organizational changes that could affect the ability to communicate with the recognized education/training program; (d) distribute to its students PTCB Program information provided by PTCB; and (e) accept, and appropriately respond to, email communications from PTCB pertaining to program recognition.

  3. PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program Audits. PTCB will randomly select a percentage of recognized education/training programs for audit to verify compliance with the program requirements. PTCB has the discretion to audit the recognized education/training program at any time. Programs selected for an audit must comply with all audit instructions and requirements and must upload or otherwise submit copies of the applicable documentation. Failure to satisfy or comply with audit requirements will result in suspension or revocation of program recognition.

  4. PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program Benefits. All PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Programs are eligible to receive the following benefits: (a) aggregate pass rate data and information showing the performance of the organization’s students on PTCB Exams, subject to additional terms and requirements;* (b) permission for the organization to use the PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program Marks, consistent with these Terms and Conditions; (c) listing on the PTCB website; (d) bulk verification of certification status of pharmacy technicians; (e) volume discounts for certain PTCB preparation products, e.g., the Pre-PTCE;* and, (f) a subscription to the PTCB Newsletter.

  5. PTCB Marks. PTCB owns the following organizational trademarks and certification marks: the PTCB design marks; the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board word mark; the PTCB word mark; the PTCB Certified Pharmacy Technician word mark; the PTCB CPhT word mark; the CPhT word mark; and, all other PTCB related trademarks, certification marks, designations, logos, and identifiers (PTCB Marks). PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Programs shall not use any PTCB Marks without the express prior written authorization of PTCB.

  6. PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program Marks. PTCB grants to the PTCB-Recognized Education/Training program a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use the PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program Marks during the term of recognition for the limited purpose of identifying its relationship with PTCB. With regard to the use of the PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program Marks, the PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program agrees to accept, and comply with, all applicable PTCB policies, including, but not limited to, the PTCB Trademark and Certification Mark Policy, which is incorporated herein by this reference. 

  7. PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program Name and Trademarks. The PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program grants to PTCB a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use the recognized education/training program’s organizational name and related trademarks (Educator Marks) during the term of their recognition for the limited purpose of acknowledging the recognized education/training program’s participation in the PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program.

  8. Recognition Termination. Either Party may terminate the recognition by providing thirty (30) days written notice of termination to the other Party. Upon termination of this recognition, all rights and licenses granted will terminate, including the recognized education/training program’s right to use PTCB Marks and the right to use the PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program Marks. PTCB reserves the right to terminate this recognition immediately if the recognized education/training program breaches any of these Terms or Conditions, or otherwise acts contrary to any applicable PTCB policy or requirement.

  9. Access to PTCB Exam Pass Rate Data/ License Agreement.* The recognized education/training program may access the Educator Pass Rate Summary Report, which provides student pass rate data and related information concerning its students’ performance on the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (PTCE). Access to the Report is authorized only when at least (3) candidates identified as affiliated with the recognized education/training program have completed PTCE administrations within a minimum period of thirty (30) days. Pass Rate Summary Reports do not include any information concerning specific candidates. As a condition of accessing the Pass Rate Summary Reports, the recognized education/training program must agree to all terms and conditions in the PTCB Pass Rate Data License Agreement.

  10. Cooperation and Dispute Resolution. The Parties will cooperate with each other in order to accomplish the purposes of this recognition program; and, will attempt to resolve all disputes through good faith discussions.

  11. Acceptance of Agreement. By submittal to PTCB of a completed Recognition Attestation, the recognized education/training program accepts and agrees to these Terms and Conditions, and as they may be amended by PTCB in the future.

* Applies only to the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE) and Pre-PTCE
† Re-attestation for CSPT programs is required upon request by PTCB

PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program Terms and Conditions v1.2 - July 2024