Trademark and Certification Mark Policy

Table of Contents

I. Trademark Policy

II. Certification Mark Policy

III. PTCB Recognized Education/Training Program Mark Policy

I. Trademark Policy

  1. Policy Purpose.

This Policy establishes the rules and requirements for use of all Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) trademarks, including certification marks and service marks.

  1. PTCB Organizational Trademarks. 
  1. Mark Ownership.

The following organizational trademarks (PTCB Trademarks) are owned and controlled by PTCB:

PTCB® Pharmacy Technician Certification Board™


PTCB retains the sole and exclusive rights to use the PTCB Trademarks. PTCB may create and use additional marks, as it deems appropriate.  

  1. Prohibited Use of PTCB Trademarks. 

Individuals, businesses, and other organizations, including PTCB certificants, are not permitted to use the PTCB Trademarks. In certain circumstances, PTCB may permit another organization to use a specific PTCB Trademark, subject to a PTCB-approved license agreement. Permission by PTCB to use a PTCB Certification Mark or PTCB Recognized Mark, identified in Sections II and III of this Policy, does not include authorization to use the PTCB Trademarks.  

  1. Policy Violations and Related Matters.

PTCB reserves, and may use, any and all remedies available under applicable laws and organizational policies to protect the PTCB Trademarks. Infringement or other misuse of any PTCB Trademarks will be challenged.

Following the receipt of information that an unauthorized use of a PTCB Trademark may have occurred, PTCB will determine if responsive action(s) will be taken in accordance with this Policy and applicable Federal and State laws. 

II. Certification Mark Policy

  1. Policy Purpose

PTCB certification marks and credentials (PTCB Certification Marks) certify that authorized individuals performing pharmacy technician services have satisfied applicable requirements established by PTCB. PTCB Certification Marks represent a standard of excellence in the pharmacy technician field. This Policy establishes the rules and requirements for use of the PTCB Certification Marks, including proper use of the marks by certificants on occupational and business materials. All PTCB authorized individuals should review this Policy carefully to ensure that all uses of the Certification Marks conform to the Policy requirements.

  1. PTCB Certification Marks
  1. Mark Ownership

The following PTCB Certification Marks are owned and controlled by PTCB:

PTCB Certified Pharmacy Technician™ PTCB CPhT™ CPhT™
Certified Compounded Sterile Preparation Technician® CSPT®  


PTCB retains all trademark and other ownership rights concerning the PTCB Certification Marks. PTCB may create and use additional certification marks, as it deems appropriate. 

  1. Authorized Use of PTCB Certification Marks.

PTCB grants limited permission to use the PTCB Certification Marks to qualified individuals who satisfy all applicable PTCB certification requirements. Consistent with applicable law and organizational policies, PTCB will ensure that the Certification Marks are displayed and otherwise used properly, as such use represents PTCB certification to the public. 

  1. Prohibited Use of PTCB Trademarks and PTCB Recognized Mark.

Permission by PTCB to use a PTCB Certification Mark does not include authorization to use any PTCB Trademarks or PTCB Recognized Mark, which are identified in Sections I and III of this Policy.

  1. Persons Authorized to Use PTCB Certification Marks/Certificant Responsibilities. 

Use of the Certification Marks is limited strictly to those individuals who are PTCB certificants in good standing. Each PTCB certificant accepts and assumes sole responsibility for understanding and satisfying all PTCB organizational and legal requirements related to the use and display of the Certification Marks. PTCB will not be liable or otherwise responsible for any claims, complaints, suits, or damages whatsoever, relating to a certificant’s use or display of a Certification Mark.

Among other requirements, each certificant is responsible for ensuring that the use of any Certification Mark on occupational and business-related materials (e.g., business cards, stationery and/or letterhead, email signatures, advertisements, brochures, or Internet websites) is consistent with this Policy, and is not in conflict with applicable laws. PTCB assumes no responsibility concerning the interpretation or application of such legal requirements. 

PTCB certificants are prohibited from making any public statement or representation related to the PTCB Certification Program that brings PTCB into disrepute, that is materially false, or that is otherwise contrary to the interests of PTCB.

  1. Non-Assignability and Non-Transferability of PTCB Certification Marks. 

Permission to use the PTCB Certification Marks is limited to the PTCB certificant, and may not be transferred to, assigned to, or otherwise used by, any other individual, organization, business, or entity. 

  1. Proper Use and Appearance of PTCB Certification Marks. 

Each PTCB certificant may use the PTCB Certification Marks on occupational and business-related materials, consistent with the following rules: 

  1. Proper Use. Each individual PTCB certificant must use the Certification Marks only in conjunction with his/her name, and in connection with the services related to the certification, i.e., pharmacy technician services. The Certification Marks may not be positioned, displayed, or used in a manner which may lead the public to believe that a company or organization is certified or otherwise endorsed by PTCB.
  1. Proper Appearance. Certification Marks must be associated only with the certified individual, who is authorized to use the Marks. Additionally, Certification Marks should always be used in their entirety, and must always appear with the appropriate subscript/superscript trademark ownership symbol, “®” or “™.”

With respect to other affiliation marks and/or logos, the PTCB Certification Marks may be located near such other marks or logos, but must remain separate and distinct so as to avoid confusion concerning the source of the certification, and to avoid the appearance that other marks, certifications, credentials, designations, or organizations are associated with, or endorsed by, PTCB.

  1. Examples of Proper Uses and Appearance. Proper uses and appearance of the PTCB Certification Marks include, but are not limited to, the following examples.

Jane C. Doe

PTCB Certified Pharmacy Technician™

John A. Smith


Jane B. Thomas



Any questions concerning the proper use of PTCB Certification Marks should be submitted in writing to PTCB by mail at the following mailing address, 2215 Constitution Avenue NW, Suite 101, Washington, DC 20037 or by submitting a request through PTCB’s Help Center.

  1. Non-Interference with Use of Certification Marks by Other Certificants.

A PTCB certificant may not prohibit, restrict, or otherwise limit the authorized and appropriate use of a PTCB Certification Mark by another certificant. 

  1. Violation Reporting Responsibilities.

Each PTCB certificant has the responsibility to report the unauthorized use, misuse, or other violation of this Policy to PTCB in a timely manner. This reporting responsibility includes any circumstance where the use of a PTCB Certification Mark is related to an individual or organization that is not a PTCB certificant, or where a Certification Mark is used improperly by a PTCB certificant. 

  1. Policy Violations and Related Matters.

PTCB reserves, and may use, any and all remedies available under applicable laws and organizational policies to protect the PTCB Certification Marks. Infringement or other misuse of any PTCB Certification Mark will be challenged. PTCB certificants are required to cooperate fully in the review and resolution of such matters.  

Following receipt of information that an inappropriate or unauthorized use of a Certification Mark may have occurred, PTCB will determine if responsive action(s) will be taken in accordance with this Policy and applicable laws. 

  1. Disciplinary Actions Related to Mark Misuse By a Certificant or Candidate. 

All mark misuse complaints and other matters concerning potential violations of this Policy by a PTCB certificant or certification candidate will be reviewed and resolved by the PTCB Executive Director, or his/her designee. If, after notice and a fair opportunity to respond, the Executive Director determines that the certificant or candidate has violated the terms of this Policy, PTCB reserves the right to issue disciplinary sanctions and/or other appropriate corrective actions, including but not limited to: certification suspension or revocation; or, the rejection of the candidate’s PTCB certification application.

In addition, PTCB may refer cases of certification mark misuse, infringement, or other similar matters to appropriate agencies and other organizations, or may initiate appropriate legal action.  

  1. Policy Violation Actions Concerning Third Parties. 

Following receipt of information that an inappropriate or unauthorized use of the PTCB Certification Mark(s) by a third party individual, organization, or company may have occurred, PTCB will determine if responsive action(s) will be taken consistent with PTCB policies and applicable laws. 



  1. Mark Ownership

The following PTCB Recognized Mark related to the PTCB Recognized Education/Training Programs is owned and controlled by PTCB: 

PTCB Recognized Education/Training Program ™


PTCB retains all trademark and other ownership rights related to the PTCB Recognized Mark. PTCB may create and use additional trademarks, as it deems appropriate.

  1. Authorized Use of PTCB Recognized Marks.

PTCB grants limited permission to use PTCB Recognized Marks to educators and employers that have been approved by PTCB’s recognition process. Consistent with applicable law and organizational policies, PTCB will ensure that the PTCB Recognized Mark is displayed and otherwise used properly, as such use represents PTCB Recognized Education/Training Programs’ participation to the public.

  1. Prohibited Use of PTCB Trademarks, Certification Marks, and Recognized Mark. 

Permission by PTCB to use a PTCB Recognized Mark does not include authorization to use any PTCB Trademarks or Certification Marks which are identified in Sections I and II of this Policy.

  1. Organizations Authorized to Use PTCB Recognized Mark/Program Participant Responsibilities. 

PTCB grants to the recognized education program a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use the PTCB Recognized Mark during the term of recognition for the limited purpose of identifying its relationship with PTCB. With regard to the use of the PTCB Recognized Mark, the recognized education program agrees to accept, and comply with, all applicable PTCB policies, including, but not limited to, the PTCB Recognized Education/Training Program Terms and Conditions, which is incorporated herein by this reference.

PTCB will not be liable or otherwise responsible for any claims, complaints, suits, or damages whatsoever, relating to an Recognized Education/Training Program participant’s use or display of the PTCB Recognized Mark.

Each Recognized Education/Training Program accepts and assumes sole responsibility for understanding and satisfying all applicable organizational and legal requirements related to the use and display of the PTCB Recognized Mark. Among other requirements, each Recognized Education/Training Program is responsible for ensuring that the use of the PTCB Recognized Mark on print and electronic advertising, informational, and business-related materials (e.g., advertisements, brochures, Internet websites, and signs) is consistent with this Policy, and is not in conflict with applicable laws. PTCB assumes no responsibility concerning the interpretation or application of such legal requirements. 

PTCB Recognized Education/Training Programs are prohibited from making any public statement or representation related to their recognition status that brings PTCB into disrepute, that is materially false, or that is otherwise contrary to the interests of PTCB.

  1. Non-Assignability and Non-Transferability of PTCB Recognized Mark.

Permission to use a PTCB Recognized Mark is limited to the current PTCB Recognized Education/Training Programs, and may not be transferred to, assigned to, or otherwise used by, any other individual, organization, business, or entity. 

  1. Proper Use and Appearance of PTCB Recognized Mark.

Each Recognized Education/Training Programs may use the PTCB Recognized Mark on advertising, informational, and business-related materials, consistent with the following rules: 

  1. Proper Use. Each Recognized Education/Training Program must use the PTCB Recognized Mark only in conjunction with the educational organization or employer’s name. The PTCB Recognized Mark may not be positioned, displayed, or used in a manner which may lead the public to believe that the organization or employer is accredited or otherwise endorsed by PTCB.
  2. Proper Appearance. The PTCB Recognized Mark must be associated only with the Recognized Education/Training Program. Additionally, the Recognized Mark must always be used in its entirety, and must always appear with the appropriate subscript/superscript trademark ownership symbol, “®” or “™.” 

With respect to other affiliation marks and/or logos, the Recognized Mark may be located near these other marks or logos, but must remain separate and distinct so as to avoid the appearance that other marks, credentials, designations, or organizations are associated with, or endorsed by, PTCB.

  1. Examples of Proper Use and Appearance. Proper use and appearance of the PTCB Recognized Mark include, but are not limited to, the following examples.

Springfield College

ABC Pharmacy

PTCB Recognized Education/Training Program™


Any questions concerning the proper use of the PTCB Recognized Mark should be submitted in writing to PTCB by mail at the following mailing address, 2215 Constitution Avenue NW, Suite 101, Washington, DC 20037 or by submitting a request through PTCB’s Help Center.

  1. Non-Interference with Use of the PTCB Recognized Mark by Other Recognized Program Participants. 

A Recognized Education/Training Program may not prohibit, restrict, or otherwise limit the authorized and appropriate use of the PTCB Recognized Mark by another Recognized Education/Training Program participant.

  1. Policy Violations and Related Matters. 

PTBC reserves, and may use, any and all remedies available under applicable laws and organizational policies to protect the PTCB Recognized Mark. Infringement or other misuse of a PTCB Recognized Mark will be challenged. Recognized Education/Training Programs are required to cooperate fully in the review and resolution of such matters.

Following receipt of information that an inappropriate or unauthorized use of a Recognized Mark may have occurred, PTCB will determine if responsive action(s) will be taken consistent with this Policy and applicable laws.

  1. Sanctions Related to Mark Misuse By a Recognized Education/Training Program Participant or Applicant. 

All mark misuse complaints and other matters concerning potential violations of this Policy by a Recognized Education/Training Program participant, or an applicant seeking recognition, will be reviewed and resolved by the PTCB Executive Director, or his/her designee. If, after notice and a fair opportunity to respond, the Executive Director determines that a Recognized Education/Training Program participant or applicant has violated the terms of this Policy, PTCB reserves the right to issue sanctions and/or other appropriate corrective actions, including but not limited to: revocation of status as a PTCB Recognized Education/Training Program; or, rejection of the educational organization or employer’s Recognized Education/Training Program application. A Recognized Education/Training Program participant or applicant may request an informal review of an adverse decision by submitting a written request for review to PTCB. 

In addition, PTCB may refer cases of mark misuse, infringement, or other similar matters to appropriate government agencies, or other organizations, or may initiate legal action.

  1. Policy Violation Actions Concerning Third Parties.

Following the receipt of information indicating that the PTCB Recognized Mark may have been used without authorization or inappropriately by a third party individual, organization, or company, PTCB will determine if responsive action(s) will be taken consistent with PTCB policies and applicable laws.


PTCB Trademark And Certification Mark Policy v2.1 -September 2019